Tuesday, June 21, 2016

What Is Inbound Marketing For Financial Advisors And RIAs?

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Inbound marketing is the process that financial advisors and RIAs use to make the internet a major source of qualified prospects for their businesses.

Inbound marketing brings prospects to financial advisors and RIAs. In other words, investors initiate contact with advisors. This is the opposite of outbound marketing when financial advisors initiate contact with investors using telemarketing, direct mail and seminars.


At the core of any inbound marketing strategy is a website that is designed to convert traffic into prospects.

Unfortunately, too many financial advisors have websites simply because their competitors have websites. They do not want to be conspicuous by their absence.

Several years ago, they selected the lowest cost websites they could find because they did not believe their websites could be a source of new business for their firms.

That is all changing with the advent of robo and virtual financial advisory firms.

In more recent times, websites have become sophisticated marketing tools that convince visitors to give-up their anonymity and submit their contact information.

This willingness to submit contact data is based on what the visitor is looking for:

Specific information about a particular financial advisor; general information about financial advisors; information about specific financial topics.

A high quality website that is designed to convert visitors into prospects will deliver information about a particular financial advisory firm in an investor-friendly format. No registration is required to obtain this information.

General information about financial advisors or personal finance topics may be presented in a free offer -- for example, an eBook. Registration is required to obtain this information. Once the visitor submits their contact data, they are considered an active lead for you to nurture.


The principal role of inbound marketing is the production of relevant traffic for websites.

Websites require the right types of traffic to produce qualified prospects for financial advisors.

There are several internet strategies that inbound marketing agencies use to produce traffic for financial advisor websites:

  • Content Marketing (Blogging, free offers, email nurturing)
  • Social Networking
  • Local Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • On-Page and Off-Page SEO
  • Results require the right inbound marketing strategies, a consistent effort and time to produce a consistent flow of prospects. That's because the internet is the most competitive marketplace on the planet. Thousands of financial advisory firms are competing for the same space and for the attention of investors who own or control substantial assets.

    Inbound Marketing for Financial Advisors

    Here are some facts that financial advisors should understand to make the Internet a significant source of new revenue for their businesses.

  • It takes internet visibility to create website traffic
  • Your website and blog content has to create significant interest with your readers to be effective
  • Only relevant traffic (visitors) will become future clients
  • Websites must be able to convert traffic into prospects
  • Free offers are oftentimes the best way to obtain contact data from your website visitors
  • Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

    I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

    Source: What Is Inbound Marketing For Financial Advisors And RIAs?

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