Saturday, October 8, 2016

Affiliate Newbies Marketing Guide

Hey glad you are here with me, my intention with this article is to give you a path which will lead you to become a successful affiliate marketer. I have created an Affiliate Newbies Marketing Guide ladder for you to climb to affiliate marketing success.

First, let's take the Affiliate Newbies Marketing Guide out of the equation for attaining success for a moment.  As with any venture you undertake to be successful, you must first ask and apply yourself to the first nine rungs of my ladder, and as you continue to climb watch how affiliate marketing eases itself in this scale.

First Rung-Can I Adapt                        

The world changes every day, which means, what was relevant a year ago isn't as important today.  Stay true to yourself, but always look for ways to improve your best attributes.

Second Rung-Network

Changing; meet someone who can help makes it a reality – collaborate.  The world could be more peaceful as a whole if we all work together.

Third Rung-When You Know, You Grow

Have you ever asked yourself who I am?  Why am I here?  What's in my way?  How do I get there?  We should be asking ourselves these questions.  It doesn't matter where you are in life now, what is important is where you want to be in the future.

When you contemplate deeply and earnestly about what drives you, will discover your passion. And you will come to know what your passion is.  Keep asking, learning, and finding a genuine knowledge of yourself, others, and life in general.

Fourth Rung-Form a Clear VisionClear vision is one essential thing you can do; it can be the foundation for every step you take hereafter. Ask yourself what do you specifically want to accomplish and why. Write it down for future reference.

Fifth Rung- ResearchKnow what you're getting into before starting any journey. Devote some time to read books, go online, and talk to people who have been there and done that.  The more informed and comfortable you are, the better prepared you will be.                                                                                                                                                    the ladder to success is done one rung at a time

Sixth Rung-Build a PlanLay out what your business plan.  Attacking goals blindly without a business plan will likely cost you valuable time and discouragement. When pursuing your goals, set small intermittent goals, it helps break down your project into easy-to-tackle steps.

Seventh Rung- Distractions and SetbacksFailure is part of becoming successful. You can't go from A to Z on your journey without mistakes. Don't be discouraged. Just be prepared to fight through it with persistence.

Keep your plan written down and visible. It is also beneficial to write down a mission statement. You'll need these things as reminders and motivators.

Eighth Rung- Celebrate MilestonesCelebrating your accomplishments, don't wait until the end. Reward yourself during the journey; it will be more pleasurable. Your accomplishments deserve recognition at any stage.

Ninth Rung-Be Resilient 

Resilient people don't let imperfections stop them.They don't think failing means being a "failure." They learn as they go, making corrections that lead them to positive outcomes.

You know I could stop here and say this is the ladder of Affiliate Marketing Success.  But let us dig deeper.words of encouragement for each rung in the ladder of success

The Tenth-rung on the ladder is your focus, commitment, and determination. Affiliate marketing is not brain surgery.  You are not trying to build a better mousetrap.

It is following the way paved by those who became successful in the field and to apply the craft, in the most original way you can think of.

Because the more unique you can be, the more your post and pages will stand out. Google will value your site, and rank is higher than others also.

The Eleventh-Rung of the ladder is to choose a product and, affiliate program. Your product should be something that you already know a lot about and or have a passion for.

Then again, if you have a passion for a product then you already know about it.  I would not talk to my audience about a product that I haven't tried or know nothing about.

I am taking a chance of losing their trust if something about the product is not to their liking. All content should be delivered with relevance and quality. quality content                                                

The Twelfth-Rung on the ladder is finding the tool to provide your original content of post and pages about your product to your target audience. A website is a perfect instrument for communicating on the internet.

If your site can with quality,  show your target audience,  help your target audience,  inform your target audience, and most importantly gain the trust of your target audience, without bringing in the selling factor,  then you have a great website. For a more detailed look at websites

The Thirteenth-rung on the ladder is getting your site to the masses. Search engines, of which I can think of 15 different ones, along with social media sites, email, classifieds, your pin to boards you see in the grocery store, etc...

All of these can be summed up under one word-Streams by circulating your website to as many streams that attract your target audience. In turn, your traffic to your site has a better chance of growing faster, which will lead to more conversions. For more on circulating your site to the masses social media

The Fotrialurteenth-Rung of the Ladder is monitoring your site and testing and testing. I call this tweaking your online business to close any gaps in appearance, editing your site for grammar, and optimization.  Take advantage of the analytic applications that provide statistical data on your website the only one I would recommend is Google Analytics.  Okay, my ladder is ready, feel free to climb.

Thanks for stopping by,  I wish you all the best with your online marketing business.  And, may you be blessed and prosper.  Let's communicate, share a comment or question and I will get back in touch with you.               Join my affiliate marketing team Now!  We can help you turn your passion into a success with a home business Start Here


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Source: Affiliate Newbies Marketing Guide

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