Saturday, March 12, 2016

#Google’s #SERP changes bring more competition

Google's SERP changes bring more competition If you've searched for something on Google recently, you may have noticed that the right side of the search engine results page (SERP) looks a little ... How does this change affect your dealership? With more paid ads on the top of the page, organic ... read moreHow to compete on the new Google SERP Recent changes made to the Google SERP have taken many by surprise ... along the top of the page have been designed by Google to be more natural (more native) looking. Given the increased competition for these more coveted ad spots, it is likely that ... read more

Why are top FX keywords suddenly expensive on Google AdWords? Starting February 19, Google made a not-so-subtle change to the ... marketing experts do? Be more strategic in your bidding strategy and make sure that you are not using your entire budget on non-strategic keywords that do not bring conversions. read moreGoogle Search Removes Ads From The Right-Hand Side The removal of what are more likely to be less revenue driving ads means that PPC ad clicks are now on average going to be worth more money. This change was confirmed by Google to The SEM Post, and brings ... competition for the top three spots on the SERP ... read moreMay the Fourth Ad Position Be With You There will likely be more competition and higher bids to bring visitors back ... will still warrant prime SERP real estate. These will continue to show above or to the right of search results. For e-commerce companies, the change could result in more ... read moreHow To Maximise SERP CTRs With Google Sitemaps & Schemas In multinational SEO, you're often focussed on big picture changes which will give ... But if we were can also bring in other visual cues and optimise the snippet text itself, we can further improve our SERP CTR. With the release of protocols ... read moreGoogle removing ads from right-hand side of results page on desktops Ads will appear at the top and bottom of the SERP, including four instead of three ads at the top for "highly commercial queries", per Google, such as a search with the keywords "car insurance". It also brings ... change but that might change as more ... read moreThe Relationship Between Organic Rankings & Click-Through Rate (CTR): It's Complicated There were a couple of interesting posts in ye olde blogosphere this week about click-through rate (CTR) – specifically, organic CTR from the Google SERP ... brings the same amount of traffic. It is quite self-evident that the positions 1-3 will bring ... read moreWajax Announces Fourth Quarter 2008 Results More ... the SERP, which is secured by a $3.4 million letter of credit, was $2.0 million. The defined benefit plans are subject to actuarial valuations in 2009 and 2010. Management does not expect future cash contribution requirements to change materially ... read more15 Factors to Consider When Prioritizing Which Keywords to Target Not only will the SERP (Search ... expected volume, (b) competition, and (c) where a searcher might be in the 'buying cycle'. Broaden your decision-making to incorporate all of the 15 factors above and you'll reap the rewards of a more focused approach ... read more

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Source: #Google's #SERP changes bring more competition

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