Wednesday, April 6, 2016

This Month In #ContentMarketing: March 2015

After being on maternity leave for the six weeks, I am happy to be back writing my monthly "This Month in Content Marketing" post. There were so many good articles to pick from, it was hard to know where to start!

This month's picks include a post on where ideas come from, news from Instagram, and a podcast on the state of content marketing in 2016.


A Take on 3 Confusing Terms: Content Marketing, Content Strategy, Content Marketing Strategy by Melanie Seibert

As a field, content marketing remains in its infancy (at most, it's a preteen). Which means there are tons of different ideas floating around out there – including terms like content marketing, content strategy, and content marketing strategy.

Do they mean the same thing? Do any of these words mean you need to do something?

It can be hard to tell. This article on Content Marketing Institute discusses what these three (often thrown around) terms mean for your job and your brand.

Read this if: You are still a bit confused by this whole content marketing/strategy thing. 

Instagram to Introduce New Algorithm-Based Feed by Matt Southern

I generally don't include SEJ articles in my monthly round-up, but this one is a biggie for content marketers. "But its social, not content!" you say. I hear you—but it still matters for content marketers because now you need to be more strategic about what you post on Instagram.

Here is the scoop—currently, your Insta feed is in chronological order, which means you see what your friends post in the time order that they posted it. With the algorithm news feed, you will see only some of the posts from people you follow – depending upon how Instagram decides to build their algorithm. We don't have all the details yet, but I expect we will in the next two to three months.

Read this if: You want to stay up to date on how Instagram effects your marketing strategy. 

The Art of Finding Ideas by Robert Bruce

First of all, I am in love with this title. And a little jealous. Second, have you ever noticed when ever you read an author interview, one of the first questions is always "Where do you get your ideas?". As a society, we are obsessed with creativity and where it comes from. As content creators, we "lust after ideas", as Robert words it.

If you are tired of staring at a blank screen or spending hours trying to brainstorm ideas, give this article on Copyblogger a read. It is worth it.

Read this if: You've ever thought or said "But it's all been done!". 

5 Publishers That Know How to Rock User Generated Content by Nadav Shoval

Content marketing isn't just about publishing your next e-book or making sure your editorial calendar is full of catchy blog posts. Another type of content, that is arguably more effective and easier to create, is user-generated content. Allowing users to comment, contribute, and otherwise interact on your site can create a community that is good for traffic, and your bottom line,

This article on Jeff Bullas' website offers five examples of sites that are successfully using user-generated content.

Read this if: You don't know what user-generated content is or if you aren't sure how to implement it.

17 Content Creation Secrets to Wow Your Readers by Thiam Hock

This is a super in-depth article, although I don't think all of the points are exactly "secrets". However, each point is covered in entirety. For example, Thiam doesn't just say "Write catchy titles", he actually shows you where you can test them and gives a breakdown of what a good title should include.

Read this if: You want step-by-step instructions on how to write good content that people will actually read. 

Bonus Pick: Creating Engaging Content & The Latest B2B Technology Content Trends #MarketingNerds

Joe Pulizzi of Content Marketing Institute joined me on Marketing Nerds, SEJ's podcast, to talk about B2B tech content creators and the future of content marketing. You can listen to the podcast below!

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So, there you have it! My picks for the best content about content for the month of March!

Image Credits

Featured Image: Image by Paulo BobitaIn-post Photo: Rafal Olechowski/

Source: This Month In #ContentMarketing: March 2015

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