Monday, July 18, 2016

SEJ Wrap-Up: A Guide to Pokemon Go Marketing & Our SEO Cheat Sheet for Internal Linking

This is the wrap-up of the most popular posts and announcements on SEJ over the previous week. Newsletter subscribers are the first to receive this and other updates.

A Quick Guide to Pokemon Go Marketing

A quick Guide to Pokémon GO Marketing

Pokemon Go is a bonafide sensation. It's not only making waves in the tech and gaming industries, it's attracting a lot of attention from the marketing community as well.

As Pokemon Go sends droves of people through the doors of business that have been designated as "Pokestops", business owners and marketers are figuring out how to turn that additional foot traffic into profts.

SEJ's Executive Editor, Kelsey Jones, has put together a quick guide detailing how to tap into the local marketing opportunities created by the latest gaming craze. Read the full guide here.

SEJ Summit New York

Internal Linking Cheat Sheet to Boost Your SEO

Internal Linking Cheat Sheet to Boost Your SEO | SEJ

When it comes to on-page SEO, one of the most important, yet often misunderstood, concepts is internal linking. If you don't have an internal linking strategy, you're missing out on a valuable opportunity to boost your SEO efforts and simultaneously create a more user-friendly website experience for your visitors.

In this week's top SEO guide, contributor Syed Balkhi explains the importance of internal linking while sharing six best practices and tips to help you get started. Read the full guide here.

Ask an SEO

Popular Search Marketing Posts

Here is a rundown of the most popular posts on SEJ from last week:

  • Caution: Pokemon Grants Full Access to Your Google Account, by Matt  Southern
  • A Quick Guide to Pokemon Go Marketing, by Kelsey Jones
  • Internal Linking Cheat Sheet to Boost Your SEO, by Syed Balkhi
  • Only Focused on Keywords? Here's Why You're Thinking Wrong, by Julia McCoy
  • What's the Changing SEO Landscape in 2016?, by Anna Crowe / [AD] Your Biggest SEO Win is Hiding in Plain Sight
  • Understanding TF*IDF: One of Google's Earliest Ranking Factors, by Brent  Csutoras
  • The Beacons Are Coming: How They Fit Into Your SEO Strategy, by Amanda  DiSilvestro
  • Google Expands Google Posts to Organizations and Public Figures, by Matt  Southern
  • A Beginners Guide to Local SEO, by Brian Harnish
  • 7 Businesses That Prove 2016 is the Year of Social Entrepreneurship, by Matt Orlic
  • Download This Week's Episode of Marketing Nerds

    In this episode of Marketing Nerds, Caitlin Rulien sits down with Jim Dicso of SundaySky to talk about content personalization, and what makes it cool versus what makes it creepy. Jim also shared how to do content personalization right, which platforms to use, and what tactics brands should avoid.Listen to the full episode, or download the MP3 here.

    Subscribe to Marketing Nerds: iTunes | Android | RSS

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    Sign up For Our Next Webinar

    Join our next SEJ ThinkTank webinar on July 27th at 1pm EST with Patrick Hutchison, Product Marketing Manager of Marin, for a sponsored webinar: "The Search Marketer's Guide to Turning Online Browsing Into Online Buying." You will learn comprehensive best practices and easily implemented strategies that will set you on the path to online retail success.

    Image Credits

    Featured Image: Image by Paulo BobitaIn-post Photo #1: Image via DepositPhotos. Text added via Canva.In-post Photo #2: Image by Paulo BobitaIn-post Photo #3: alphaspirit/DepositPhotos.comIn-post Photo #4: Image by Paulo Bobita

    Source: SEJ Wrap-Up: A Guide to Pokemon Go Marketing & Our SEO Cheat Sheet for Internal Linking

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