Sunday, October 9, 2016

Real-Time Penguin SEO Changes, Improving SM Search Rank, The Psychology of SEO, Speedlink 41:2016

SpeedLink Weekly Roundup 2016

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great and productive week!

The dust is finally beginning to settle after the long-awaited rollout of Penguin 4.0. Now that our aquatic avian friend is a real-time part of the core Google algorithm, we've got some changes to get used to.

In Rand's Whiteboard Friday below, he explains Penguin's past, present, and future, offers his analysis of the rollout so far, and gives advice for how to go about SEO going forward (hint: never link spam).

Penguin 4.0: How the Real-Time Penguin-in-the-Core-Alg Model Changes SEO 7 Ways to Improve Your Search Rank With Social Media


Do you want to improve the search rank for your website or blog? Wondering how social media can help? Social media and search engine optimization (SEO) are undoubtedly connected and will only become more interdependent in the future.

1. Cut Down on Word Count2. Tell People What You Want Them to Do3. Give People a Reason to Click Through4. Optimize Profiles for Keyword Searches5. Optimize Your Copy With Keywords6. Use Keywords to Drive Content Creation7. Publish Social Posts Worthy of Backlinks

In this article, you'll discover seven ways you can use social media to boost your search rankings.

The Psychology of Search Engine Optimization: 10 Things You Need to Know


Think you know SEO? It's all about keywords, content, and optimization, right? Not quite.

Despite what you may think you know, search engine optimization has far less to do with content, coding, or site architecture than with psychology.

What does psychology have to do with any of it?

As today's most effective SEOs know, understanding the psychology behind why people behave the way they do plays a crucial role in establishing an effective online marketing strategy.

That applies to SEO just as much as it does to any other digital marketing channel.

In the meantime, here's a quick primer on understanding the relationship between effective SEO and the psychology behind those who search for information online.

And as usual, in no particular order:

Content Creation & Marketing/SEO and Search Social Media/Small Business Bites On & more from around the web …

That's it! Enjoy and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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