Saturday, November 5, 2016

Search engine optimisation services 2012

1 Search engine optimisation services 2012

2 Premium Marketing Services for Business Website Optimisation Services Introduction: Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the science of assisting websites to improve their rankings on the search engines. The search engines provide a significant proportion of all visitors to a website. SEO is a marketing task that (i) assesses the terms people actively use in the search engines, (ii) focusses a website on specific phrases while also (iii) overcoming the obstacles that prevent website access by search engines inherent in modern day website development methods. When professionally applied, Pace SEO encompasses a range of on & offline marketing initiatives for the client to drive revenue and create value from your website investment. 1. Keyword Discussion: a. Keywords are the words that people use in the search engines. A large part of SEO asks the question - which terms do people really use. Pace has access to unique search engine statistics for precision keyword targeting. b. K eyword discussions also include an assessment of terms for which the site currently ranks high, and the migration strategy targets preservation of any existing rankings. c. reporting of search engine rankings instigated from date of contract shows trend data and focuses SEO attention on accountability and results. 2. SEO Deliverables: A detailed keyword analysis will be prepared from which recommendations are generated. reporting of search engine rankings will be instigated from the date of contract, making the SEO accountable and providing data for future directions. Detailed search engine optimisation of the website for targeted terms Depending on the preferred package ongoing fine tuning and SEO work will occur on either a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly basis and this will typically correspond with results. Website traffic analysis is conducted on a similar basis according to package preference. 3. Your external web network: Google considers the quantity, quality & relevanc e of websites that link to your website before it calculates a final ranking for a particular term. One of the most important tasks for the site is to increase the amount of external websites linking to the site. At the discussed price range, our roles in the linking process are clearly specified below: The linking process in further detail over page Upon commencement of the service, Pace provides an excel spreadsheet into details of potential linkees (contact name/url/ address etc) will be entered, and we then discuss the various linking options available. We work together to generate an appropriate mail out to these link potentials. The process usually involves adding the link to your own links page first. Pace handles the process of sending the message out with specific link code for each. This maximises the value of every inward link and is a unique benefit of using Pace for search engine optimisation. Your address is on the letter (if you prefer) to personalise these mailouts c orrectly.

SEO is a marketing task that (i) assesses the terms people actively use in the search engines, (ii) focusses a website on specific phrases while also (iii) overcoming the obstacles that prevent

3 Pace monitors the potential sites for 'compliance' over time (eg. check sites monthly), and follow up potentials with revised letters every 2 weeks or as you see fit. Depending on the results, we discuss more options for obtaining more link potentials. Some corporate clients rely on Pace for conducting the entire process (including sourcing the inward links) with pricing into the $400/mth region and is available upon request. Enhanced Linking Services - the clink network The clink network is simply, a safe and economical way to boost your website s rankings by creating more inward links to your website. The service creates an optimised network by connecting together Pace s client websites with the customer websites of the high quality web developers & marketing teams from Australia and New Zealand with whom Pace works actively. It is an invite-only linking strategy working across the two countries to create permanent search engine ranking improvements for all. The service is borne out of the following facts: 1. Top 10 search engine rankings for competitive phrases can only be achieved when a site has a high number of websites linking to it. How these sites link together is crucial and ever changing. One of the tasks of an SEO provider like Pace is to keep up with the search engines changing ways. 2. Generalised Link farms exist to provide links to websites, but their integrity is usually questionable. Aside from being very expensive (often $50/mth or more for one link) it is difficult to verify the integrity of sites involved in these link farms. Due to the non-differentiating approach taken by most link farms, websites blacklisted by google may contaminate the network resulting in degradation of status of the sites involved. Inclusion into the clink network costs $350/yr and requires your website to have a links page. Service Specification & Fee Summary: 1) clink Network membership AU$350 /yr see notes above. 2) SEO Essentials Suite $AU550 setup $ 550 /qtr Full Website Optimisation, Quarterly Reporting & Bi-annual Fine Tuning: Detailed Keyword Analysis: Find out which terms people are using most from a Pacific, US and/or UK perspective. The detailed keyword analysis provides a roadmap for ranking results anticipated over 12mths. Optimisation of your website: including development of a long term strategy for success on the search engines. Monitoring of Results: You receive quarterly reports showing gains / losses in rankings on the major search engines for preferred keywords. Bi-annual Fine Tuning for Improved Results

Some corporate clients rely on Pace for conducting the entire process (including sourcing the inward links) with pricing into the $400/mth region and is available upon request.

4 3) SEO Business Suite $AU550 setup $770 /qtr - Full Website Optimisation, Ranking Reporting & Quarterly Fine Tune incl. Clink Network membership (valued at $350/yr) The Standard SEO Services include: Premium search engine optimisation:service for the best possible results, including development of a long term strategy for success on the search engines. Detailed Keyword Analysis: Find out which terms people are using most from a Pacific, US and/or UK perspective. Bi- Monitoring of Results: Reports show gains and losses for particular phrases across the search engines of your choice. Quarterly Fine Tuning for Improved Results: Search engine rankings are subject to a wide range of competitive factors, often producing unexpected results. Good results however require active involvement to consistently fine tune a website for the best results on the right phrases The more often the better. Quarterly Website Statistics Analysis: This service analyses how users arrived at your websi te, their behaviours once arrived, and looks at ways to improve website or SEO performance based on the wide range of parameters available. It includes analysis of visitor numbers, time spent on site/pages, bounce pages etc. Consulting services included - maintain your websites good rankings when moving to a new website & advice to web teams on search engine friendly website design 4) SEO Leader Suite $AU550 setup $990 /qtr - Full Website Optimisation, Ranking Reporting & Bi- Fine Tune incl. Clink Network membership (valued at $350/yr) The SEO Services include: Premium search engine optimisation service for the best possible results, including development of a long term strategy for success on the search engines. Detailed Keyword Analysis: Find out which terms people are using most from a Pacific, US and/or UK perspective. Monitoring of Results: You receive monthly reports available online showing where the website ranks on the major relevant search engines across a wide ran ge of keywords. Reports show gains and losses for particular phrases across the search engines of your choice. Bi- Fine Tuning for Improved Results: Search engine rankings are subject to a wide range of competitive factors, often producing unexpected results. Good results however require active involvement to consistently fine tune a website for the best results on the right phrases The more often the better. 3 x Keyword Trend Analyses per year to monitor keyword usage trends over time. This data provides strategic information showing demand trends over time for particular phrases, indicating changes in demand for services and products. Quarterly Website Statistics Analysis: This service analyses how users arrived at your website, their behaviours once arrived, and looks at ways to improve website or SEO performance based on the wide range of parameters available. It includes analysis of visitor numbers, time spent on site/pages, bounce pages etc. Consulting services included - main tain your websites good rankings when moving to a new website; advice to web teams on search engine friendly website design; project management of search engine related website modifications

for success on the search engines. Detailed Keyword Analysis: Find out which terms people are using most from a Pacific, US and/or UK perspective.

5 Package Summary Item Fees (incl. GST) Reporting Fine tuning Website traffic analysis 1 Clink network $350/yr Bi annual 2 SEO Essentials Keyword analysis Site optimisation 3 SEO Business ongoing bi-monthly fine tuning/reporting. $550/qtr $770/qtr Bi-annual Bi-annual none Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly 4 SEO Leader ongoing bi-monthly fine tuning/reporting. $990/qtr incl. Bi- phone meeting Bi- Quarterly Please choose from the the options above. 3 mth, 6mth & 12 mth contract periods are available. Additional terms and conditions apply. Please note terms and conditions attached to this document. This service cannot guarantee search engine positioning under any circumstances, however all efforts are made to obtain the best results over a majority of search engines. Ongoing maintenance fees are paid in advance. Pace client folio: Client Name Example Keyword Current Ranking Notes: Hawkes Bay Inc. NZ - Tourism Macedon Ranges Australia - m Hawkes B ay Hawkes Bay accommodation No.1 No.1 Macedon ranges Top 5 This client has recently taken on Pace to resurrect rankings lost due to new website development This client used Pace for full marketing services and project management of website development. Premium tourism region near Melbourne New Zealand Building Guide- Building guide Home building Building advice #1 #6 #3 New Zealand s ultimate home building guide is still in its first phase of optimisation however rankings achieved for these 3 phrases alone ensure that the site appears in front of 10,000 searching users each month in both the NZ & AU search space.

$550/qtr $770/qtr Bi-annual Bi-annual none Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly 4 SEO Leader ongoing bi-monthly fine tuning/reporting. $990/qtr incl.

6 Other recent clients include: Gwinganna Health Retreat (AU), Eagles Nest (NZ), Telstra Clear Pacific (NZ), Peninsula Boutique Hotel Port Douglas (AU), Australian Wild Escapes / Frontier Safaris (AU), (NZ), ITS Training Solutions (AU) The Point Villas (NZ), The Lakehouse Daylesford(AU), Arajilla Retreat Lord Howe (AU), Fisher Funds (NZ), Wheelers Books NZ Glossary of terms 1. Content - This is the information and/or services available on the website. This can be in text or image format or may be a particular function that the site performs. 2. Domain - This is the type of internet address your website uses. Australian businesses use type domains, and.nfo are available for businesses and information service providers. 3. indexation The act by a search engine of storing information about a webpage. 4. Keyword The term(s) entered into a search engine that are used to find a particular website. Keywords are also the descriptive words provided by t he website owner to Pace for the purposes of submission of the site to the search engines to aid categorisation of the website. 5. Query (Search Query) The collective term for the keyword(s) entered by a user into a search engine. 6. Ranking The position held by a website when searched on by a given 1 st, 2 nd 7. Search Engine A website on the internet that a person uses to find a particular website s address or URL. 8. (Re)Submission The process of sending information such as keywords to a search engine with a view to being listed on that search engine. 9. <title> and <metatag> - These are parts of a website s code where information on the content of the website may be stored for easy access by search engines to aid their assessment and listing. 10. URL A website s name or address such as 11. Website Hosting - This is the act of housing your website on a server for the rest of the world to view. Terms and Conditions Completion of the attached application for m indicates that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions. Due to delays typically encountered with indexation of submitted pages, Pace Optimisation is not responsible for slow or non response by a particular search engine. Pace Optimisation cannot guarantee placings of the website. Successful listing is a function of the uniqueness and quality of the website and subject to variation based on competitor s activities. Popular keywords or general keywords are more competitive than others, affecting listing dramatically. Keyword Assessment gives details for the top 30 placings for any given search engine. If the website ranks outside the top 30, the assessment will reveal no search engine positioning information. Optimisation is based on the top few keywords (primary keywords) or single primary keyword, combined with results from the top 3 search engines relevant to your target market. Pace Optimisation will not be responsible for problems resulting from changes to a website conducted by any party other than Pace Optimisation. Pace Optimisation is not responsible for erroneous implementation of recommendations Payment for agreed services is made in advance. Pace Optimisation is not responsible for negative results resulting from failure to implement optimization particulars as indicated in the optimization specification documents.

Content - This is the information and/or services available on the website. This can be in text or image format or may be a particular function that the site performs. 2.

7 Pace Optimisation is not responsible for negative results occurring due to implementation of other search engine optimization NOT included in provided documentation. Pace Optimisation determines the list of search engines to which submissions are made. Other search engines can be recommended for your particular site if necessary, by noting the URL of the search engine and ing This does not guarantee submission to this search engine and additional cost may be incurred with submission to some search engines Speed Submissions are available for some search engines usually for a flat fee. Please call for more details or check the particular search engine of choice. Pace Optimisation generates submission to search engines that are free. Where a fee applies, the client will be notified and payment may be arranged by the client if he/she so chooses. Certain search engines listed above may require payment before submission can be completed. Pace will not submit websites to charging searc h engines unless prepayment of submission fee has been made to Pace. Pace Optimisation reserves the right to modify all aspects of this search engine submission service including search engine submission lists at any time. In the event of early termination of the contract by the client, a termination fee equal to 50% of the value of remaining monthly payments will be charged to the client. Authorisation: I, authorised representative of, have read and agree to the term and conditions and wish to proceed with the search engine marketing service arrangement indicated further below as outlined by Pace Optimisation (ABN: ) in this proposal. Signed Date / / Please circle preferred service below - Item Fees (incl. GST) 1 Clink network 2 SEO Essentials Keyword analysis Site optimisation 3 SEO Business ongoing bi-monthly fine tuning/reporting. $350/yr $550 setup $550/qtr $770/qtr Reporting Fine tuning Website traffic analysis Bi annual Bi-annual Bi-annual none Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly 4 SEO Leader ongoing bi-monthly fine tuning/reporting. $550 setup $990/qtr incl. Bi- phone meeting Bi- Quarterly Additional terms and conditions apply. Fees paid quarterly in advance.

Other search engines can be recomm

Source: Search engine optimisation services 2012

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