Saturday, July 9, 2016

Writing title tags for #SEO: a best practice checklist

Writing title tags for SEO: a best practice checklist What is a title tag and how do you write one? Why are they important? Do they actually help with SEO? Can I see some examples? In this post I'll follow up the advice on title tags and answer all of the above questions. For the rest of you, first lets ... read moreNine Best Practices For Optimized < title > Tags It has the most SEO power of any tag on the page for establishing keyword relevance Its contents are the source for the blue-link text shown in the search engine results pages (SERPs) It's the best place ... knowledge, write your read more

How to Write Title Tags For Search Engine Optimization Please note: there is now a more up-to-date version of this guide – How to write ... title tags for humans; format them for search engines. NOTE: Every experienced SEO has their own unique methods to doing this, so I'm going to give you best practices ... read more12 Point Local SEO Checklist Your title tag is one of the most important on-page SEO elements ... It's a win-win! Following this 12 point local SEO checklist and best practices can significantly help your website outperform competitors while building your brand reputation and ... read moreGoogle News Title Tags & H1 Tags Should Be Consistent For Ranking One question that many Google News publishers do not know, which I've heard before but personally do not practice ... title and H1 tag, it can confuse Google News and give it a hard time understanding what your article/story is about. With web search SEO ... read moreThe Fundamental Guide To SEO In 2016 Use of header and meta-tags ... heart of the practice of achieving high rankings in search. Neil Patel called content marketing "The New SEO" as far back as 2012. Tactics that used to be effective at achieving rankings – such as writing short ... read moreUse Titles & Descriptions to Get Best Exposure (and SEO) for Your Site on Social Media Networks Most social networking sites, and sharing tools that feed into them, use the Title tag as the title of the post on the ... of the importance of Titles and Descriptions, and uses best practices for SEO and Social Media as standard. If you do use a CMS ... read moreSEO for Small Businesses: Your 5-Step Guide to Improving On-Site SEO The best way is ... installing the Yoast SEO plugin. Title tags. These appear at the top section of search result blurbs and are a CTA and USP all in one. The trouble is, you have no more than 60 characters (including spaces) to write a catchy, optimised ... read moreNine Tips for Writing Effective SEO Content Try the following nine tips for writing effective SEO content. 1. Respect the ... you'll end up losing readers in the long run. A good practice is to use 8-10 words when formulating your title, especially if you want it shared on social sites. read moreOn-page SEO – The Google Way The best practices for page title tags are common sense ... t go in-depth describing how to write catchy page titles, and how to write content that sells, the tips provided by Google are what I like to call "timeless SEO" – rules that will never ... read more

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Source: Writing title tags for #SEO: a best practice checklist

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